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Fontainebleau, Fun Bloc


Auflage 2023
  CHF 48.00


Fun Bloc - Fontainebleau Volume 1 (7500 problems), is now enjoying its 4th edition, and includes full circuit and problem updates. It is an extremely well established photo topo style guidebook to the very best and most popular areas of the forest, (Vol 2 Top Secret, covers an additional 9000 problems situated in the quiet areas of the Fontainebleau Forests]. Fun Bloc uses a unique style that includes over 1600 photo topos, which makes instantly recognising the problems a delight. Combined with maps and graphics, it is a truly definitive guidebook to all of the major areas it covers (1a-8c). This book will appeal to every level of climber, and particularly groups of boulderers that are of mixed ability who all want to climb in the same general area. It also suits perfectly, boulderers visiting 'Bleau' for the first time who want easy recognition of boulders and problems. It has been designed to work with little use of language, since all of the problems are colour coded and easily identifiable. Fun Bloc has a giant overview map, plus individual area maps to show the best access routes for those carrying giant crash pads. 18 kids circuits are included, along with the best toddler-buggy access routes, and good family picnic spots etc.
This book is dual language - in both French and English.

  • Author: David Atchison-Jones:
  • 26 principal areas
  • 18 individual children's circuits
  • 48 outcrop maps
  • 115 Fontainebleau circuits 
  • French and English


Numéro d'article 48331
Magasin principal/ Outlet Magasin principal
Sexe unisex
Couleurs blanc
Activités Bloc
Pays France
Région Fontainebleau
Langue français, anglais

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