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Kalymnos Climbing Guide


Auflage 2018
  CHF 59.00


Kalymnos climbing guide
Kalymnos must be one of the world's best known sport climbing destinations and with good reason - friendly locals, glorious weather, a picturesque Aegean island setting and, of course, the truly fantastic climbing. There is approaching 3000 climbs at the last count and many of them are of impeccable quality.
Climbers from all over the world now visit the place and its reputation has grown into a 'must visit' venue. There are many fantastic harder climbs but there is also a remarkable assemblage of high quality climbs in the ever-popular 4a to 6b range.
This new Rockfax guidebook will cover all the climbing in the usual Rockfax style - huge phototopos, big maps, inspiring action photos and bang up-to-date as well. It is an update of the Kalymnos app version which has been available for a year and will be available in print and app format.

  • Publisher: Rockfax
  • Edition: May 2018
  • No of Pages: 456
  • Illustrations: Colour Photos + Photo-Topos


Numéro d'article 30493
Magasin principal/ Outlet Magasin principal
Sexe unisex
Couleurs blanc
Activités Escalade sportive, Escalade alpine
Pays Grèce
Région Kalymnos
Langue anglais

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