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Karpathos Rock Climbing Guidebook


Auflage 2023
  CHF 47.00


Karpathos Rock Climbing Guidebook
The third and the latest edition of the Karpathos Rock Climbing Guidebook.
It has been enriched with about 90 new routes from the areas of Arkasa, Finiki and Kastello
plus... the first multi-pitch sport routes on the island.
In total, almost 400 sports routes on 100 pages of the guidebook.

  • Publisher: GoldenLab Artur Kraszewski (15/06/2023)
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 94 pages, A5


Numéro d'article 60606
Magasin principal/ Outlet Magasin principal
Sexe unisex
Couleurs blanc
Activités Escalade sportive
Pays Grèce
Langue anglais

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