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Climbing Bible: Practical Exercises

Vertebrate Publishin

Vertebrate Publishin
Auflage 2022
  CHF 35.00


The Climbing Bible
Practical Exercises by Martin Mobraten and Stian Christophersen is a collection of exercises designed for developing technique and strength for climbing. It is illustrated with over 200 photos, and features insights from the authors and other top climbers. Also included is a section for children and young climbers.

  • Authors: Mobraten Martin, Christophersen Stian, Saetnan Bjorn
  • Technique and strength training for climbing
  • 192 pages
  • Weight: 583g


Numéro d'article 104264
Magasin principal/ Outlet Magasin principal
Sexe unisex
Couleurs blanc
Activités Escalade sportive, Bloc, Escalade alpine
Langue anglais

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